how long do you keep your cell phone ?

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how long do you keep your cell phone ?

Post by reno »

we own a Samsung Galaxy S21-5G unlocked that 2 years old and works just fine for me . we like how Samsung send me a e-mail that they offer me up to. $750 plus $25.00 to upgrade to a new Galaxy 23 ultra. just for shits and giggle e looked at what the true offer would be. if I were to upgrade to the 23 Ultra . they give me a $450.00 credit plus a extra $25.00 off the going rate of $1199.00 plus taxs . then we loose a bit more as there a phone activation fee my carrier will charge me for a phone change . for what a phone that about the same as the good phone we have today . ya maybe the camara a bit better in the 23 over the 21 model .
to me its a no brainer to keep what I have . but for some we can see them doing so if they hate the phone they have . we expect soon they be releasing a Galaxy 24 that could have some real upgrades to make it something to think about . right now IM happy with my 2 year old phone .if the thing keeps going like it is now . my plan is getting 2 more years out of it .unless the battery go's or worst happens to it.
so bottom line we plan on keeping it a total of 4 years before upgrading . so Im halfway there.
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Re: how long do you keep your cell phone ?

Post by Executioner »

I keep my phones for at least 5 years. I still have my Samsung 9s. I never have received anything from Samsung for upgrades via Verizon. My previous phone was a Samsung 5s.
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Re: how long do you keep your cell phone ?

Post by Losbot »

I typically average about 2yrs. Mostly depends on what's out there and if I'm interested in the new features. Otherwise, the longest I've gone is 4yrs.

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