new math cell company style !

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The artist formerly known as Renovation
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new math cell company style !

Post by reno »

they offer a new phone at a advertised sale price. but there always a catch. you are charged the full retail price when they give you the phone.
the new phone is also interest free.(with approve credit ) what they do is set a monthly price of lets say $16.99 plus your normal service fee. what they do next is give you a credit of lets say of $3.00 per month .this is for 36 month to equal the discounted sale price . the catch is if you change phones before the 36 months . they could back charge you the amount they apply as discounts on the billing. to bring the phone to the original retail price when you got the phone .
its at there discretion if you get the ROYAL SHAFT OR NOT. if you change phones or drop the cell company before you totally payee off this phone.
best is in today's world you don't get a printed contract .you have to go online to see the contract.
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