Look what came out of MS on 9/20/23

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Look what came out of MS on 9/20/23

Post by Executioner »

https://devicepartner.microsoft.com/en- ... -8-upgrade
Windows Ends Installation Path for Free Windows 7/8 Upgrade

Created Date: 2023-09-20 | Last Modified: 2023-09-20

Applies To: Publicly Available

Microsoft's free upgrade offer for Windows 10 / 11 ended July 29, 2016. The installation path to obtain the Windows 7 / 8 free upgrade is now removed as well. Upgrades to Windows 11 from Windows 10 are still free.

To upgrade to Windows 11, devices must meet the Windows 11 minimum system requirements. Some Windows 10 features aren't available in Windows 11. System requirements to experience some Windows 11 features and apps will exceed the Windows 11 minimum system requirements.
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Re: Look what came out of MS on 9/20/23

Post by FlyingPenguin »

I am actually surprised Microsoft allowed the loophole to use Win7 keys for so long.

FYI: It still does work with any existing builds of Win 10 & 11 up to 22H2. It just won't work on any future builds. So you could still install 22H2, use a Win7 key to activate, and then upgrade to the latest build. At least until they decide to block it at the activation server.

Also, to be fair, Windows 10 & 11 is essentially free to use without a license, as long as you don't mind not being able to change some personalization settings and get an occasional nag screen.
I've gotta say, a Bible signed by the actual anti-Christ, would be a hell of a collector's item.

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Re: Look what came out of MS on 9/20/23

Post by reno »

not trying to crap on this thread - but so you all know windows shell works on windows 10 and on widows 11 ~
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Re: Look what came out of MS on 9/20/23

Post by FlyingPenguin »

It's officially dead now. Activation servers for 10 & 11 will no longer take a Win7 key.
I've gotta say, a Bible signed by the actual anti-Christ, would be a hell of a collector's item.

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Re: Look what came out of MS on 9/20/23

Post by Executioner »

Here is the workaround. I've already used it twice on some Dell laptops that only had Windows 7.
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